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Part One


Write an essay (minimum of 500 words) on a topic listed below. Your essay should include a discussion on various aspects of DADA you’ve learned over your years of class. Note: To the best of your ability, please complete this without the aid of the internet. Looking up small details and fact-checking is fine, but other than that, this essay should be based off of what you remember from class as well as things included in the textbooks. Also, the topics are not restricted to the descriptions beside them, but should touch upon them.
-Dark Creatures- classifications, ‘what-makes-a-creature-dark’ debate, different types of creatures/defenses for them, etc.
-One notable person whose fame is involved in DADA- who were they, what were they famous for, did they improve the field of Defense Against the Dark Arts in any way or did they hinder it, etc.
-Dark objects- their function, enchantments involved, why they’re considered dark/your opinion on them, etc.

Part Two

Create your own defensive spell. There should be an incantation, wand movement, description of what the spell looks like and its effect, the category/spell type that your spell fits under, a situation where you would deem it to be most useful, and whatever other information you feel necessary to include. (Note: If you’ve done this assignment before in any class, please do not reuse the same spell. Try to think of a new one.)

Part Three

Give a general overview of Occlumency. Your response should be about 2 to 3 paragraphs and should include why Occlumency is important in DADA.

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