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OWL Level Lessons

Hello! It’s lovely to see you here,! I’m sure you’ve had a great, life-threateningly hilarious time in Herbology, but now, it’s time to put all of that experience to use.


You’ve got the rest of this year to turn in your exam. A bit of advice is think through everything, every factor, every element and every possible occurrence with this. If you have any questions, PM me straight away! :) Good luck.


Your task is to create a garden full of magical plants. Your garden should have a minimum of five plants, but you can fill it with however many that you’d like. Each plant must be placed next to another plant, and you must explain why you’ve chosen to place the plants where they are. Certain plants will react very badly with others, because of the conditions they have to be grown in, the types of taking care of they need, or simply just because of the type of plant it is. Devil’s Snare might grow over and strangle out your puffapods, or a mandrake’s shrieking might cause your venomous tentacula to shrivel up and wither. Those, of course, are all just examples, and you’re free to use whatever magical plants you would like!


Things to consider: What each plant needs to grow, what conditions they grow in, how they will react to the plants around them, and any other factor you would like to include.


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